Why Do I Need PEMF?

What is it? What does it do?

We hear of the dangers of EMF (Electro-Magnetic Fields) that exist all around us today. Whether from high tension power lines, cell phones, computers, monitors, electric cars, breaker panels on our homes…the list is endless. We are under nearly constant exposure.

This exposure is called “radiation”, but before we run for a bunker, what is radiation?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO):

“Energy emitted from a source is generally referred to as radiation. Examples include heat or light from the sun, microwaves from an oven, X rays from an X-ray tube, and gamma rays from radioactive elements.” (http://www.who.int/ionizing_radiation/about/what_is_ir/en/)

Did you catch that? Even healthy and helpful forms of energy are radiation, such as a space heater or vitamin D generated from sunlight. For that matter your body “radiates” heat, which is completely harmless.

Science has separated radiation into two parts: one is “ionizing” and the other is “non-ionizing”.

What is “ionizing” radiation and what does it do to us?


“Ionizing radiation is radiation with enough energy so that during an interaction with an atom, it can remove tightly bound electrons from the orbit of an atom, causing the atom to become charged or ionized.” (http://www.who.int/ionizing_radiation/about/what_is_ir/en/)

What does all that mean in English? From the aspect of the human body, ionizing radiation has enough energy to disrupt DNA inside the cell, which can lead to serious problems if allowed to continue.

Now for “non-ionizing’ radiation?


“Non-ionizing radiation is the term given to radiation in the part of the electromagnetic spectrum where there is insufficient energy to cause ionization. It includes electric and magnetic fields, radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, and visible radiation (light).” (http://who.int/topics/radiation_non_ionizing/en/)

What that means is that it is non-destructive to the cell in the short term. However lengthy exposure is a concern because this form of radiation can heat up a cell, which is known as “thermal effects”.

In general, we might compare the two forms of radiation as the difference between cooking with a deep fryer (ionizing) and a crock-pot slow cooker (non-ionizing). One affects tissue rapidly and the other just “cooks” more slowly. The point is that they will both potentially “cook” (create thermal effects) a cell or tissue.

Is there a non-thermal radiation?

Depends on who you ask. When the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) standards for harmful and not harmful radiation levels were originally established it (thermal effect) was determined harmful if it raised the entire (human) body temperature 1 degree Celsius or more. Since humans routinely vary body temperature by 1 degree or so, it was assumed to be an acceptable standard from which to measure, since no cellular or tissue damage would normally occur given that set of parameters (i.e. daily life changes or an exposure to non-ionizing radiation that resulted in less than 1 degree increase in the body).

Dr. Stephen Sinatra, MD (cardiology) raises the increasingly obvious question that the “standard” does not take into consideration: localized tissue temperature increases from localized radiation, even very low energy non-ionizing. One example that is readily apparent is mobile phones. If you hold the mobile phone near an ear you will eventually, and typically, notice the ear is warmer even if the phone is not touching the ear. (https://heartmdinstitute.com/detox-toxins/health-risks-cell-phone-use-part-ii/)

The temperature of the tissue (in this case the brain) is raised only locally, leaving the body temperature unchanged, which according to the standard means it is assumed not harmful.

Fortunately, for many people a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition and the ability to reduce stress may be, for the most part, enough to reverse the process.

Reverse what Process? Glad you asked…

Continuing with using the mobile phone example, it appears that these (cell phones, WiFi, etc.) types of energy forms and patterns may create cellular stress. In the brain for example, this may show up in the human endothelial cells (which form the lining of blood vessels), which may compromise the function of the blood-brain barrier by restricting the normal flow of nutrients and waste products into and out of the brain.

Continued impaired function of the blood-brain barrier may then lead to brain damage or cancer; just as any cause of continued impaired function of the blood-brain barrier would do. (https://heartmdinstitute.com/detox-toxins/health-risks-cell-phone-use-part-ii/)



Why is PEMF not harmful to the body or brain?

The short answer…because ALL PEMF frequencies are Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) which are considered non-ionizing.

But, you just said even non-ionizing…

Yes, PEMF frequencies are non-ionizing and they’re not “continuous”. For example, the 50-60 hertz AC signal in your home is always present every moment of every second. In PEMF signals, they are by definition a pulse, and usually the pulse is only there for a hundred micro-seconds or thereabouts. That means if your PEMF signal is 60 Hertz (a common PEMF frequency) and each pulse comprising that second (meaning each of the 60 pulses that make it 60 Hertz) is 100 microseconds (to approximate), then the total amount of “on” (radiation time or exposure time?) is less than 1% of a second. Said another way, the energy pulse is OFF more than 99% of the time involved.

Why is that important?

Because every single living cell in your body emits EMF. The body’s gauss level of EMF or PEMF is, of course, very, very low, under a thousandth of a gauss. (Gauss is a measurement of magnetic energy and named after German scientist Karl Friedrich Gauss). Most therapeutic in home type PEMF devices operate in the milligauss range which is stronger, but not overpowering for the cell. In fact, at that level the cell has the ability to “just say no” if it does not need or want more energy.

On the other hand, if the cell (or tissue) is weak, sick, injured or diseased, then it requires more than “normal” energy to repair and recover. “Normal” will vary by the type of cell or tissue. For example, if a cell is functioning at 70% of normal, it will need about double the energy level to be able to repair or recover to return to normal. In general, the cell needs about 50% more than what is normal for the cell. If the cell was barely functioning at 50% of normal, it would need to have triple the energy if it were to repair or recover.

Here PEMF enters the picture to provide energy in a form acceptable to the cell and at a level providing sufficient energy for the cell and tissue to help repair itself. Thus helping to heal the body.

Dr. Pawluk, MD notes concerning a comparison of a static magnetic field versus a pulsed electro-magnetic field:

“A comparison of typical results shows that a 450 Gauss static field (measured at the tissue, and not the reported field strength) and a 0.2 Gauss (20 microTesla) pulsed field both accelerate phosphorylation (a process which helps turn “on” and “off” many enzymes and other cellular processes) by nearly twofold. This process stimulates the production of ATP in all cells, not just muscle cells. Similar behavior has been obtained for nerve cell growth, which increased about twofold with both static and pulsed signals.” (https://www.drpawluk.com/education/magnetic-field-types/)

The human (and animal) body responds to a minimal amount of PEMF energy compared to a steady (static) magnetic field while yielding same or similar results.

The accessories provided at Bonrich Academy operate with a PEMF range up to 32.5 microTesla (.325 Gauss)

In summary, the PEMF signal/pulse is short and only slightly stronger than the body’s own EMF level, therefore there is no thermal effect. Plus it helps support the body’s need for higher cellular energy necessary for repair and recovery.

Frankly it’s easy to use. You can even use it in your sleep. Oh, did we mention PEMF is used to help people have better sleep?

Get more information and PEMF accessories for home and clinic use, contact Bonrich Academy or one of our Providers via www.BonrichAcademy.com or email us at: info@BonrichAcademy.com.